Videos e Multimédia

«Não é a forma de morrer»- video dedicado à distanásia

Aqui está uma posição diferente sobre questões de fim-de-vida.

O video é de ZDoggMD, um médico rapper que publica no seu site videos acerca de assuntos médicos.

Como forma de assinalar o “National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD)“, o rapper criou este video  intitulado «Ain’t The Way To Die» (Eminem/Rihanna Remixed) no qual fala sobre a distanásia ou o prolongar da vida através de meios artificiais e desproporcionais, a vida de um doente.

No site do autor pode ler-se que:

“Na falta de uma visão coerente de como as pessoas podem viver com sucesso todo o caminho para o seu fim, temos permitido que nossos destinos sejam controlados pelos imperativos da medicina, tecnologia e estranhos.”

Vale a pena assistir

O video está em inglês mas tem legendas

Fonte do Vídeo:

Letra da música: “Ain’t The Way To Die”

(Download The Free Audio Track Here)


Based on “Love The Way You Lie” by Eminem and Rihanna


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
End of life and all my wishes go unheard
They just prolong me and don’t ask why
It’s not right because this ain’t the way to die, ain’t the way to die


I can’t tell you what I really want
You can only guess what it feels like
And right now it’s a steel knife in my windpipe
I can’t breathe but ya still fight ‘cause ya can fight
Long as the wrong’s done right—protocol’s tight

High off of drugs, try to sedate
I’m like a pincushion, I hate it, the more I suffer
I suffocate
And right before I’m about to die, you resuscitate me
You think you’ve saved me, and I hate it, wait…

Let me go, I’m leaving you—no I ain’t
Tube is out, you put it right back, here we go again
It’s so insane, ’cause though you think it’s good, I’m so in pain
I’m more machine than man now, I’m Anakin

But no advanced directive, I feel so ashamed
And, crap, who’s that nurse? I don’t even know her name
You lay hands on me, to prolong my life again
I guess you must think that this is livin’…

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
End of life and all my wishes go unheard
They just prolong me and don’t ask why
It’s my right to choose the way that I should die


You ever love somebody so much, you can barely see when you with ‘em
That they, lay sick and dying but you just don’t wanna let ‘em
Be at peace cause you miss ‘em already and they ain’t gone
Beep beep, the ventilator alarms

I swore I’d never harm ‘em, never do nothing to hurt ‘em
Hippocratic oath primum non nocere now I’m forced just to torture ‘em
They push full code, no one knows what his wishes were
His sister heard him say once, “I don’t wanna be a vegetable”
But no one agrees in the family, his caregiver Kate
Wants him comfort care but Aunt Claire lives so far away
That her guilt eats her like cancer
So she answers, “Wait! I think he’ll wake”
Maam, you ain’t even in the state!

Palliate, relieve pain, get him home, explain
Critical care? Just hypocritical when it’s so insane
But they insist I shock his heart again so I persist
Guess that’s why they say that love is pain.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
End of life and all my wishes go unheard
They just prolong me and don’t ask why
It’s my right to choose the way that I should die
The way that I should die

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Nuno Miguel

Um simples animal humano, verdadeiro apaixonado pela Enfermagem e pela Medicina. A lua é o meu limite

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